Office of International Affairs, Cooperation and Culture

Office of International Affairs, Cooperation and Culture

E Building, Ground Floor
Campus A Trisakti University
Jl. Kyai Tapa No.1, Grogol Jakarta 11440
Telp :Gedung E: +62-21-5663232 ext. 8188
Hotline :+62-21-5569002


A brief History

Merging the organizational structure of cultural institutions and technical cooperation implementation units and international offices, to become the international cooperation and culture affairs office of Trisakti University.

With the enactment of the Trisakti University statutes and Trisakti University bylaws in 2015, the provisions governing the organization and work procedures of Trisakti University need to be adjusted to the conditions of the university.

To realize the vision and mission of Trisakti University becoming a world class university, the current organizational structure of cultural institutions and cooperation technical service units and international offices were merged into one: the office of international affairs, cooperation and culture.

That is why the merger of the organizational structure of cultural institutions and technical service units for cooperation and international offices, into the organizational structure of offices for international affairs, cooperation, and culture needs to be set in the rector’s regulations.

In the beginning, the Trisakti University Cultural Institute functioned as a service for fostering national culture on campus (internal), and was social and educational for students, teaching staff (lecturers) and educational staff (employees), in addition to being a public service for the community outside campus (external).

Trisakti University has a pluralistic campus, both in terms of scientific disciplines (Science, Technology and Arts) as well as the heterogeneity of students’ socio-cultural backgrounds, which include cross-ethnicity, cross-religion, cross-ethnicity, which more or less gives the campus color. Responding to the fact of conditions of diversity like this, and responding to the fact of the interest trends of prospective new students, Trisakti University realizes the need for a tool that acts as a unifying element. The element of the tool is called a Cultural Institution which is expected to be able to reconcile differences that may exist and form new forces that support each other.

The decision of the Rector of Usakti in 2008, instructing the establishment of a Cultural Institute was very appropriate, in the context of commemorating the birth of a decade-old history of ‘reformation’ – and at the same time one hundred years of ‘national awakening’. The reform event, unfortunately, is not only understood in the context of socio-political phenomena, but is also interpreted in the context of the awakening of the socio-cultural dimension. especially in the Trisakti University environment.

Starting from the ‘reform’ campus, we hope that cultured (civilized) people will be born through the process of implementing ‘culturalism’. Therefore, SKR No. 178/USAKTI/SKR/VI/2008, on June 20 2008, by the Chancellor of Trisakti University, Prof.Dr. Thoby Mutis, as the beginning of the Cultural Institute activities at Trisakti University.

At the beginning of the UPT Cooperation, higher education was faced with the challenge of preparing human resources that could compete at the international level. Efforts to increase the nation’s competitiveness cannot be separated from the availability of a quality and sustainable education system. One effort to improve academic quality is to increase cooperation programs.

In connection with the above, and in line with the vision and mission of Trisakti University, the Cooperation Section (KS) which was originally under the Bureau of Human Resources Development and Cooperation (PSDM&KS) was changed to UPT Cooperation (UPT KS) through a Decree (SK) Chancellor No.016/USAKTI/SKR/I/99 with the aim that collaborative activities carried out by units at Trisakti University can be  coordinated and  properly inventoried.

KUIKK Duties and Functions

Duties of the Center for International Affairs

  1. Coordinating study program internationalization activities by compiling and socializing terms of reference and activity implementation guidelines;
  2. Supporting the implementation of international classes and the internationalization of study programs at USAKTI by assisting in providing visiting professors and guest lecturers along with monitoring and evaluating the implementation of international classes;
  3. Increase the number of foreign students and guest lecturers who come to USAKTI.
  4. Organizing training for USAKTI academics in the context of accelerating internationalization;
  5. Building cooperation and implementation activities with domestic and foreign partners
  6. Compile a database of cooperation with both government and private institutions in the country and foreign institutions and use this data for the purposes of developing cooperation;
  7. Coordinating visits of university and faculty leaders abroad in the context of developing cooperation;
  8. Coordinating welcoming activities for international guests visiting USAKTI;
  9. Create a university profile in an international language for the purposes of promoting and introducing USAKTI abroad;
  10. Disseminate information about opportunities for further study abroad for USAKTI academics

Functions of the Center for International Affairs

  1. Coordinate and facilitate services for foreign students in the form of introduction to Indonesian culture and language.
  2. Benchmarking the provision of education at USAKTI with universities abroad for lecturers and education staff.
  3. Developing information and communication technology-based systems to support scholarship, internship and mobility programs.
  4. Socialize the international scholarship program, help coordinate the departure of international scholarship recipients and monitor and evaluate the implementation of the scholarship.

Collaborative Tasks

  1. Facilitate and coordinate cooperation within the University with other institutions at home and abroad.
  2. Prepare and periodically evaluate Cooperation Technical Guidelines and Instructions and other materials related to cooperation based on applicable regulations and legislation.
  3. Assist other Faculties/Institutions/Units within the scope of Usakti in preparing the MoU draft, monitoring the preparation of the MoU draft, evaluating the MoU, and carrying out the process of ratifying the MoU and its derivatives in accordance with applicable regulations.
  4. Assist in the smooth running of cooperation and monitor the implementation of cooperation carried out by each Faculty/Institution/Unit at Usakti in accordance with the agreed Cooperation Agreement, as well as coordinating to obtain input regarding cooperation programs and problems.

Cooperation Function

  1. Providing facilities for Faculties/Institutions/Units that will collaborate starting from initiation to signing of the collaboration
  2. Implementation of coordination and synchronization of work units within Usakti in collaborating with other parties, both domestic and foreign
  3. Implementation of promotion of science and technology resources to domestic and foreign strategic partners
  4. Monitoring and evaluating the implementation of collaborative activity plans and programs

Cultural Tasks

  1. Prepare    technical    policies,    plans,    programs    and    budgets for cultural development, guidance and services within Trisakti University.
  2. Carry out development, guidance and services in the cultural sector along with monitoring, evaluation and reporting on the implementation of development, guidance and cultural services within Trisakti University.
  3. Responding to the challenges of global competition and industrial revolution 4.0 related to the pandemic, MBKM, Univ ranking, Internationalization, etc.
  4. It becomes a door to get to know the culture of other nations so that you can appreciate your own culture.
  5. Realizing institutional cooperation and partnerships with potential international cultural and linguistic institutions.

Cultural Functions

  1. Indonesian language training for students, lecturers and education staff
  2. Training in academic writing, teaching methodology, etc. for lecturers at Trisakti University.
  3. English-conversation training for staff and lecturers.
  4. English workshops for students (English for job-seekers, How to write an interactive CV, etc.)
  5. Workshop for language lecturers at Trisakti University and the general public with various topics related to the foreign language learning process.
  6. Organizing Summer program/course activities for foreign and Indonesian students related to culture and language.
  7. Implementation of various English language tests for academics and the general public.Supporting the implementation of international classes and the internationalization of study programs at USAKTI by assisting in providing visiting professors and guest lecturers along with monitoring and evaluating the implementation of international classes;
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