Organizational Structure

Organizational Structure

  • Rector : Prof. Dr. Ir. Kadarsah Suryadi, DEA 


  • Vice Rector I : Dr. Ir. Muhammad Burhannudinnur, M.Sc., IPU, ASEAN Eng.


  • Vice Rector II : Prof. Dr. Khomsiyah, Ak, CA, FCMA, CGMA, CRIB


  •  Vice Rector III : Ir. Yoska Oktaviano, MT 


  • Vice Rector IV : Prof. Dr. drg. Tri Erri Astoeti, M.Kes, FISDPH., FISPD


  • Director of the Institution of Research and Community Services : Prof. Dr. Astri Rinanti Nugroho, MT 


  • Director of Campus Management Institute : Dr. Ir. Bambang Endro Yuwono, MS 


  • Director of the Office of International Affairs, Cooperation and Culture : Ir. Agus Guntoro, MSi,PhD 


  • Director of the Quality Assurance Agency : Dr. Ir. Docki Saraswati, M.Eng 


  • Director of the Internal Supervisory Agency: Dr. Regina Jansen Arsjah, SE,MSi,Ak,CA,CPA 


  • Director of Affiliated Agency : Dr. Ir. Endrawati Fatimah, M.Pst 


  • Head of University Secretariat : Dr. Aji Wibowo, SH., MH. 


  • Head of Academic Administration Bureau : Prof. Dr. Ir. Engeline Shintadewi Julian, MT 


  • Head of General Administration Bureau : Gunawan, ST, MT 


  • Head of Financial Administration Bureau : Aqamal Haq, SE., Ak., MM 


  • Head of the Student Affairs Administration Bureau : Ir. Andry Prima, MT 


  • Head of Human Resource Bureau : Prof. Dr. Elfrida Ratnawati Gultom, SH., M.Hum, M.Kn 


  • Head of Planning and Information Systems Administration Bureau : Ir. H. Agung Sediono, MT, PhD 


  • Head of Campus Authority Unit : Djulijanto


  • Head of Public Relation Unit : Dr. drg. Dewi Priandini, Sp.PM 


  • Ad Interim Head of Promotion and Admission Unit : Debbie Kemalasari, S.T., M.B.A., M.T., I.P.M.


  • Head of Career Center Unit : Richy Wijaya W., SE., MM., C.R.A., C.R.P


  • Ad Interim Head of Library Unit : Rizka Medina, S.Hum  


  • Director of Trisakti Digital Learning, Publishing and Printing Center (PP3DT) : Dr. Erny Tajib, SE. MM
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